Released on: September 10, 2007, 4:53 am
Press Release Author: Clownfish Marketing
Industry: Environment
Press Release Summary: LIBYAN GOVERNMENT TO FOUND WORLD'S LARGEST SUSTAINABLE REGION On Monday 10th September, 2007, The Libyan government announced the establishment of the Green Mountain Conservation and Development Authority (GMCDA). The GMCDA - administered under the direct authority of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi by a coalition of leading experts on sustainable development, including environmentalists, economists, conservationists, architects, archaeologists and public administrators, will create the world's first large-scale conservation and sustainable development project.
Press Release Body: "We share a determination to build for our children a future full of opportunity and fulfillment and a dedication to the protection of their heritage." Saif al-Islam Gadafi At an historic ceremony amongst the archaeological treasures of Cyrene in the Green Mountain region of Eastern Libya, Saif al-Islam Gadafi signed the Cyrene Declaration today before an invited audience of journalists, VIP's and people's representatives from Libya and abroad. The launch of the Cyrene Declaration marks the inception of the world's first regional-scale conservation and development project responding to the challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in The Green Mountain region which covers some 5,500 sq kilometers. Described by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as 'one of the 10 last paradises of the Mediterranean,' the region is rich in prehistoric, Greek, Roman and Islamic antiquity and is one of the world's most important UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In his inaugural speech Saif al-Islam said: "Our intention is to build a complete and sustainable social, cultural, economic and environmental system in which the needs of the present allow for the needs of future generation. Ladies and gentlemen, we share a determination to build for our children a future full of opportunity and fulfillment and a dedication to the protection of their heritage." Saif al-Islam also announced the establishment of the Green Mountain Conservation and Development Authority (GMCDA), administered under his direct authority. The coalition includes environmentalists, economists, conservationists, architects and archaeologists. The GMCDA will establish: . A National Park - to protect an area of outstanding natural beauty and ecological diversity that encompasses a UNESCO World Heritage Site. . Sustainable Infrastructure - including renewable power generation, waste management and recycling facilities, closed-loop water systems and sustainable transport. . Economic Development - sustainable local economy and industry including sustainable fishing, organic agriculture and the manufacturing and servicing of new technologies. . Microbanking Services - to encourage and enable the local population to participate in the economic, cultural and sustainable regeneration of The Green Mountain. . Archaeological Conservation Areas - international collaboration to preserve and further excavate some of the world\'s greatest Greco-Roman remains. . Mixed Use Areas - for visitors including hotels, restaurants, museums, performing arts and sports facilities. . A world-class institution of higher learning dedicated to research, development and education in the field of sustainable development. London based architects Foster + Partners have been engaged to develop this innovative vision. Company Founder Lord Norman Foster says: "This is one of the most beautiful and little known landscapes on Earth. We've been give a unique challenge: to establish a sustainable blueprint for future development which will be sensitive to the history of the Green Mountain and to its conservation." -Ends- To download imminent footage, high-res images and further information please follow the link below: Further information: contact Alice Dogruyol at Clownfish: T +44 20 7430 0530 M +44 7939 031030 E Or ask for Catharine or Sue. Attention picture desks: High resolution images and information about The Cyrene Declaration are available to download from:
Web Site: http://
Contact Details: Todd Martin Public Relations 607-238-7817 PO Box 114 Binghamton, NY 13903
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